LosslessBob Bootleg CD - Song: - Pretty Peggy-O
LosslessBob Bootleg CD - Song:
Pretty Peggy-O
DateBootleg CD TitleCDTRLB#tuit94#
 The Bootleg16LB-662814
11/4/61Acoustic Troubador11LB-663113
11/4/61Hard Times in New York City14LB-665213
11/4/61The Dylan Roots111LB-662913
11/22/61Bob Dylan16 15
7/26/8920/20 Vision114LB-6805 
1/12/90Toads Place Vol 2110 375
2/3/90Staying Here With You27LB-6813 
7/7/92Meran 9212LB-6640 
10/12/92Dust My Broom11LB-6836 
2/8/93Apollo Landing12LB-6841 
2/8/93The Illusion of Time12LB-6842 
2/13/93Hammersmith Highlights12LB-6840 
7/2/96I've Got a Song To Sing19LB-6896 
4/18/97Bathed in a Stream of Pure Heat12LB-6911 
8/18/97Tour Diary 97 - On the Road to the Highlands14LB-6913 
6/6/98At the Globe Arena25LB-6920