LosslessBob LB-1246
10/9/03Hartwall Areena, Helsinki, Finland2A58min+60min

source: Sound Professional BMC6-mics (AT803b, omni-directional) -> SP batterybox -> Nomad JB3 (48.0kHz WAV, zero gain) -> USB -> Bias Peak -> few edits -> SHNTool -> SHN., -Coverart will be available at Quos' place later on., -Do not sell this show., -Do not distribute lossy files (mp3/vqf/etc) of this show., -Please do offer blank+postage of the show if you download and burn it., Quos, email: quoss [at] home [dot] se; Notes:, -CD 1, track 3, has a glitch at 3:36;

excellent sound;

(a bittorrent from 06/09 has flac fingerprints on d1t1 and d2t7 that match this ones shntool md5 hash; described as "**** This recording is derived from LB-1246 ****, Taper: unidentified, Source: Sound Professional BMC6-mics (AT803b, omni-directional) > SP batterybox > Nomad JB3 (48.0kHz WAV, zero gain) > USB > Bias Peak > few edits > SHNTool > SHN, Uploader's Lineage: received in a trade as SHN; now converted to FLAC, Rating: A, Frequency analysis: well above 20kHz" with filenames like "CD1\00 Announcement.flac");

(a bittorrent from 07/10 has matching flac fingerprint; described as "source: Sound Professional BMC6-mics (AT803b, omni-directional) -> SP batterybox ->, Nomad JB3 (48.0kHz WAV, zero gain) -> USB -> Bias Peak -> few edits -> SHNTool -> SHN -> Wav -> Flac -> You." with filenames like "d1tr01.flac"; also included a close eac match to LB-1232 on 10/4/03 with filename of "20031004-Highway 61 revisited.flac"; xref-00451)

(a bittorrent from 05/12 is a close eac match on d1t3 with same digital flaws; described as "**** This recording is derived from LB-1246 ****" and " Lineage: Audio CDR's -> EAC (secure/offset correct) -> WAV -> TLH - FLAC Level 8, " with filenames like "Disc1\01 1-00-intro.flac"; xref-01045)

(a bittorrent from 06/12 is a close eac match on d1t1 and d1t2 with same digital flaws; described with a generic info file with filenames like "Bob Dylan-1-00-intro.flac"; xref-01065)

drop/cut between cdrs; drop/static d1t1 3:36
CD 1:, 1. intro, 2. To Be Alone With You, 3. It's All Over Now, Baby Blue, 4. Cry A While, 5. If You See Her, Say Hello, 6. It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding), 7. Boots Of Spanish Leather, 8. Things Have Changed, 9. Highway 61 Revisited, 10. Make You Feel My Love, CD 2:, 1. Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum, 2. Every Grain Of Sand, 3. Honest With Me, 4. Mr. Tambourine Man, 5. Summer Days, 6. Cat's In The Well, 7. band intros, 8. Like A Rolling Stone, 9. All Along The Watchtower
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