Date | Location | CDR | Rating | Timing |
4/7/97 | Fredericton | 2 | A- | 57min+57min |
Holy Grail Recording
(a bittorrent from 08/10 is same recording with same wav and spectral view on d1t1 with levels raised a lot more so clips a lot more with same digital flaws plus more drops; described as "*** HOLY GRAIL ***, Sourced from LB-1529" with filenames like "CD1\01 Crash on the levee (down in the flood).flac"; xref-00520);
(a bittorrent from 08/10 is same recording with same wav and spectral view on d1t1 with levels lowered so clips at -3db with same digital flaws plus more drops, digipops and discontinuities; described with wrong date and setlist as "April 9 1997, Taper: no info, Source/Lineage: no info" with filenames like "CD1\Track01.shn"; xref-00521);
(a bittorrent from 09/10 was xref-00520 plus some fixed tracks; further described as "Wave Repair 4.9.3 fixed micro gaps on:, t07 Oh baby it ain't no lie at 4:02, t09 It's all over now, baby blue at 1:45, t15- Rainy Day Women # 12 & 35 at 00:41 seconds., Fixed tracks can replace original ones seamlessly." with new filenames like "07 Oh baby it ain't no lie.flac"; xref-00566)
(a bittorrent from 03/11 seems to be xref-00566 with the fixed tracks replacing the original tracks; described as "*** HOLY GRAIL ***, Sourced from LB-1529:,, Wave Repair 4.9.3 fixed micro gaps on:, t07 Oh baby it ain't no lie at 4:02, t09 It's all over now, baby blue at 1:45, t15- Rainy Day Women # 12 & 35 at 00:41 seconds." with filenames like "CD1\07 Oh baby it ain't no lie.fixed.flac"; xref-00748)