Date | Location | CDR | Rating | Timing |
10/15/02 | Los Angeles, CA, The Wiltern | 2 | A- | 69min+59min |
jb; Great show. Great recording. This is the first night of the three Wiltern shows in October 2002. Taped from third row in the Loge with the same gear as my 2006 LA Forum show, and it sounds very similar, maybe a bit better. There may be other versions of this show, but this one has never been circulated and is certainly worth having. Very clear, even mix. Guitars, piano and vocals very clear. A good crowd. Very little close clapping and no screamers., Didn't know how busy I would at work, so I initially only bought tickets for the first night. Lots of tickets out front before the show. When the show was so great, I went back for night three figuring I could easily snag a ticket. After night one, the LA Times printed a glowing review, including the printing of the setlist. There wasn't an extra ticket in sight., Sonics>Sony D7 DAT>ProTools (for level adjustment, compression, eq, and song separation)>flac, Taped and mastered by JB. Please don't sell or convert to lossy format.
(a bittorrent from 04/09 is a close eac match on d1t2; has same noted flaws described as "Taper/Mastered by JB, Source: Sonics > Sony D7 DAT > ProTools (for level adjustment, compression, eq, and song separation) > FLAC, Derived from LB-4974, Excellent to superb sound, Frequency analysis: above 20kHz, No alterations, except for song titles." with filenames like "CD1\01 Seeing the real you at last.flac");
(a bittorrent from 02/10 is a close eac match on d1t1 with same digital flaws; described as "this is an audio extraction received in a trade. Excellent sound. The files have been renamed., Taped and mastered by JB" with filenames like "CD1\01 Seeing the real you at last.flac"; xref-00181)
(a bittorrent from 09/15 is a close eac match on d1t1 with same digital flaws plus discontinuities between tracks; described as "dat clone from master>upload, recorded with scheops mic" with filenames like "disc 1\01 Track01.flac"; xref-01653)
(a bittorrent from 03/19 is a close eac match on d1t1 with same digital flaws plus more discontinuities between tracks; described as "Schoeps mics and Dat recorder>clone snail mailed, to me in 2002>file cloned in Microtrack>Goldwave, tracking>TLH8 flac, Dolphinsmile Producer, for the Dolphinsmile Archive" with filenames like "01.flac"; xref-01954)