Date | Location | CDR | Rating | Timing |
12/1/97 | Atlanta, Georgia, Roxy | 1 | | 56min |
version "c"; Soundcheck for 12/1 and 12/2
bittorrent download 06/07; for 12/1 and 12/2 in comparison to LB-3025 this has more midrange and highend and higher levels making it less muffled but also less natural sounding; this also has some bad clipping on vocals noticed on d1t3 and some occasional background crackling like around d1t3 0:57 and many other places not on LB-3025; for 12/2 soundcheck on LB-0699 has better sound (did not listen to all of this)(a bittorrent from 06/11 included 12/2 soundcheck with LB-7701 and had matching flac fingerprints; described as "Soundcheck, Unidentified taper, Source/Lineage: no info" with filenames like "soundcheck\01 (unidentified instrumental).flac"; xref-00831)
drops 4 seconds before track boundaries on t6, t7, t8, t11, t12, t13, lots of bad clipping, lots of discontinuities
01. The White Dove (Carter Stanley) @ with the band, 02. The White Dove (Carter Stanley) @ with the band, 03. Cocaine Blues (trad.) @ with the band, 04. Stone Walls And Steel Bars (Ray Pennington/Ray Marcum) @ with the band, 05. guitars, 06 You're A Big girl Now (acc. Olof* - Simple Twist Of Fate), 07. Million Miles, 08. Standing In The Doorway (Instr.), 09. You Ain't Goin' Nowhere, Roxy, Atlanta, Georgia, 2 December 1997, Soundcheck, 10. The Lonesome River** (Carter Stanley & Ralph Stanley) (acc. Olof* Unidentified), 11 The White Dove (Carter Stanley) @ with the band, 12 Unidentified Instrumental, 13 Seeing The Real You At Last (x2), 15 The White Dove (Carter Stanley), 16 Unidentified Instrumental
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