Date | Location | CDR | Rating | Timing |
7/7/14 | Rostock, Germany | B- | 110min |
olympus aws4you frontend edit 2 48k, Recorded with Olympus DM-901 built-in mics, compression correction, track split with AWS4YOU, flac conversion FLAC frontend
(a bittorrent from 07/14 prior to this is same recording at 44k with similar wav and spectral view except has slightly lower levels so does not clip as much with same digital flaws; flacs decoded to nonstandard wavs with bad wav chunk length; flac files had wrong embedded flac checksum of all zeroes; described as "Recorded with Olympus DM-901 built-in mics, automatic correction, track split & flac, converstion with AWS4YOU," with filenames like "01 Things Have Changed.flac"; xref-01462)
(a bittorrent from 08/14 is same recording with lower levels and less compression; described as "Recorded with Olympus DM-901 built-in mics, unedited versio -- edited versions, previously published elsewhere, tracks split with AWS4YOU, flac conversion FLAC frontend" and "raw" in foldername with filenames like "01 Things Have Changed.flac"; xref-01467)