Date | Location | CDR | Rating | Timing |
12/14/97 | Chicago, IL | 2 | A- | 77min+34min |
jeff t dolphinsmile, First two sons are David Bromberg, Taped by Jeff T with Dat recorder and Schoeps Mics>Clone sent to me in 12/1997>file cloned to Microtrack, using a Tascam dat deck>Goldwave tracking and bumping volume on last 3 tracks>TLH8, Taper was inconvenienced by security and was unable to tape the last three songs. I tacked the last three, songs from a different dat clone. Will up that second clone next., Dolphinsmile: Producer, Dolphinsmile: Arranger, courtesy of the Dolphinsmile Archive
bittorrent download 12/17; cdr split not specified; this is same recording as LB-3755 based on same clapping wavs at end of t2 with wavs inverted; that looks like it has a cassete generation in it and sounds a little more muffled; this has beginning of t3 missing and the first 2 bromberg tracks like on that one; in comparison LB-3557 is harsher and tinnier and this is warner fuller with more bass; (did not listen to all of this)
Maggie's Farm, Tonight I'll Be Staying Here With You, Cold Irons Bound, Simple Twist Of Fate, Can't Wait, Silvio, Roving Gambler, To Ramona, Tangled Up In Blue, Ragtime Annie, It Takes A Lot To Laugh It Takes A Train To Cry, Joey, E: Till I Fell In Love With You, Don't Think Twice It's All Right, Love Sick, Rainy Day Women No. 12 & 35, Comment, With David Bromberg
Year 1997
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