LosslessBob LB-15140
6/18/95East Rutherford, NJ1B73min

alt2, Alternative recording #2 to LB-1414 JT/LB-4469 Schoeps & LB-3552 & LB-9962 NAK 300, Trade cd-rs from many years ago > eac > flac, I am not the taper....sorry, no further source info available., As far as I am aware this recording has not been torrented in any form until now.

bittorrent download 02/21; this is different recording than LB-9962, LB-1414 based on different crowd at end of t6; this and LB-3552 and LB-15139 may all be same recording as they have same crowd whistle at end of t6 and are all from a cassette and several other attempts to differentiate them at end of songs did not find crowd differences; (did not listen to all of this)

bobaholic commented: "I see you are of the opinion that these 2 'ALT' uploads may be the same as LB-3552., They are in the same location as lots of nearby chatter matches up but according to my notes I was able to differentiate all 3 recordings during the first part of Mr. Tambourine Man of the 2 alts:, LB-15139 "0:12 female comment; 0:16 male laughter, just before vocal", LB-15140 "0:45 male comment "heyyy...???", These f/ps are peculiar to each recording and neither can be heard on LB-3552., Also b/t Silvio & Mr. Tamb. Man on LB-3552 you can hear a female shout what sounds like "Isis" which sounds a lot closer to that taper., I am sure there are lots of other differences but that was conclusive enough for me., Need to use headphones."

mixedup reports "this is a different recording than LB-9962, LB-1414 based on different crowd at end of t6;, this is a different recording than LB-15139 based on different crowd on t6 and t12;, discontinuities between tracks;, t1 introduction missing;, t12 loud pop noise 0:06, pop noise 0:08, edit at 0:29 with beginning of 'thin man' cut;, fingerprints:, t6 [male] 'heyyy, Tambourine!' at 0:45, t12 [female] 'ah, merci, merci bien' at 0:25"

discontinuities between tracks
01 Crash On The Levee (Down In The Flood), 02 Senor (Tales Of Yankee Power), 03 All Along The Watchtower, 04 Just Like A Woman, 05 Silvio, 06 Mr. Tambourine Man, 07 Gates Of Eden, 08 Love Minus Zero/No Limit, 09 Seeing The Real You At Last, 10 I Believe In You, 11 Obviously Five Believers, 12 Ballad Of A Thin Man, (Total Time 72:25)
Year 1995
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