LosslessBob LB For Year 2017
LB-125744/1/17STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN  spot, Here is the first show from the current tour
LB-125754/1/17Stockholm, Sweden  bach, Taper: "Bach", Lineage: >Neumann AK40
LB-130544/1/17Stockholm2 BOOTLEG: waterfront first 2017; cc, Nobel Prize
LB-125694/2/17Stockholm, Sweden  bach, Taper: "Bach", Lineage: >Neumann AK40
LB-125944/2/17STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN  spot, You may ask why this is so late in being
LB-130554/2/17Stockholm2 BOOTLEG: waterfront second 2017; cc, Nobel Prize
LB-146044/2/17Stockholm, Sweden  BOOTLEG: on the waterfront; From the private
LB-125764/4/17Oslo Norway  oslo dm mk41 tbugsett, Source: Schoeps MK41 >
LB-126564/4/17OSLO, NORWAY  zoomh4, NB! This is a different source than the
LB-125954/6/17COPENHAGEN, DENMARK  spot, Here's another one from the inexhaustible
LB-125964/7/17COPENHAGEN, DENMARK  spot, l, The second Copenhagen show, and its
LB-125974/9/17Lund, SWE  dpa4061 hhtf, lineage: dpa4061 > Tascam DR-100
LB-132594/9/17Lund, Sweden  skm140 soomlos, Recorded by: soomlos, neumann
LB-125984/11/17Hamburg  rc 325a aud bmc 10 c24, taped by: RCM, uploaded
LB-125994/11/17Hamburg, GER  dpa4061 hhtfp, lineage: dpa4061 > Tascam DR-100
LB-126594/11/17Hamburg, Germany  olympus sony, "Autumn Leaves Fallin' in April -
LB-127324/11/17Hamburg, Germany  olympus, "Autumn Leaves Fallin' in April - Four
LB-132754/11/17Hamburg, Germany2 skm140 soomlos, Recorded by: soomlos, neumann
LB-126004/12/17Lingen, Germany  dpa4061 hhtfp, lineage: dpa4061 > Tascam DR-100
LB-126604/12/17Lingen, Germany  olympus sony, "Autumn Leaves Fallin' in April -
LB-127334/12/17Lingen, Germany  olympus, "Autumn Leaves Fallin' in April - Four
LB-132894/12/17Lingen, Germany  skm140 soomlos, Recorded by: soomlos, neumann
LB-126014/13/17Dusseldorf, Germany  ccm4 hhtfp, lineage: Schoeps ccm4(smp) > Tascam
LB-133074/13/17Dsseldorf, Germany  skm140 soomlos, Recorded by: soomlos, neumann
LB-126024/16/17Amsterdam  bach, Taper: "Bach", Lineage: >Neumann AK40
LB-126034/16/17AMSTERDAM  spot, You guessed it! Spot recorded the 3
LB-126094/16/17Amsterdam  clapberry, Recording Details, taper Clapberry,
LB-126404/16/17Amsterdam  dpa4061 hhtfp, lineage: dpa4061 > Tascam DR-100
LB-126044/17/17Amsterdam  bach, Taper: "Bach", Lineage: >Neumann AK40
LB-126054/17/17AMSTERDAM  spot, You guessed it! Spot recorded the 3
LB-126104/17/17Amsterdam  clapberry, Recording Details, taper Clapberry,
LB-126414/17/17Amsterdam  dpa4061 hhtfp, lineage: dpa4061 > Tascam DR-100
LB-132884/17/17Amsterdam  Stormy Weather, Label: Rattle Snake 304/05, Silver
LB-126064/18/17Amsterdam  bach, Taper: "Bach", Lineage: >Neumann AK40
LB-126074/18/17AMSTERDAM  spot, You guessed it! Spot recorded the 3
LB-126114/18/17Amsterdam  clapberry, Recording Details, taper Clapberry,
LB-126424/18/17Amsterdam, NL  dpa4061 hhtfp, l, lineage: dpa4061 > Tascam DR-100
LB-126134/20/17Paris, France  dpa4061 hhtfp, lineage: dpa4061 > Tascam DR-100
LB-126144/21/17Paris, France  dpa4061 hhtfp, lineage: dpa4061 > Tascam DR-100
LB-126084/22/17Luxembourg  dpa4061 hhtfp, lineage: dpa4061 > Tascam DR-100
LB-126154/22/17Luxembourg  bouba3d, TASCAM DR-07 (SD Card) + Internal Mic ->
LB-159374/22/17Esch-sur-Alzette  mani 24, Taper: Mani, Lineage: Roland R-05
LB-12626xx/xx/17Antwerp, Belgium  04 24 clapberry, Recording Details, taper
LB-126434/24/17Antwerpen, BEL  dpa4061 hhtfp, l, lineage: dpa4061 > Tascam DR-100
LB-159384/24/17Antwerpen, Belgium  mani 24, Taper: Mani, Lineage: Roland R-05
LB-126244/25/17Frankfurt, Germany  sp cmc 25, Recording:, Type: Audience master,
LB-126344/25/17Frankfurt, Germany  dpa4061 hhtfp, notes: - The transition between
LB-126614/25/17Frankfurt, Germany  sony, "Autumn Leaves Fallin' in April - Four Days
LB-126444/26/17Hannover, Germany  dpa4061 hhtfp, lineage: dpa4061 > Tascam DR-100
LB-126624/26/17Hannover, Germany*  sony, "Autumn Leaves Fallin' in April - Four Days
LB-126904/26/17Hannover, Germany  sony 2496, "Autumn Leaves Fallin' in April - Four
LB-126304/28/17London  sonic studios ebr, Sonic Studios DSM-6>PA6-XP>M
LB-133204/28/17London, England  skm140 soomlos, Recorded by: soomlos, neumann
LB-126314/29/17London  sonic studios ebr, Sonic Studios DSM-6>PA6-XP>M
LB-126734/29/17LONDON, ENGLAND  spot, Heres another from Spot Time to fill in the
LB-126454/30/17London  sonic studios ebr, Sonic Studios DSM-6>PA6-XP>M
LB-126744/30/17LONDON, ENGLAND  spot, Heres the final night at the Palladium,
LB-126635/3/17CARDIFF, WALES  spot, Well here we go again folks! Another audio
LB-126675/3/17Cardiff, Wales, UK  olympus, Audience recording Olympus mic > Sony
LB-126685/4/17Bournemouth  ebr, Sonic Studios DSM-6>PA6-XP>M Audio
LB-126895/4/17BOURNEMOUTH, ENGLAND  spot, We're almost there! Only more after this
LB-126465/5/17NOTTINGHAM, ENGLAND  spot, Spot and I thank you for the fine comments
LB-126645/7/17Glasgow, Scotland  sony pcm10, THIS IS A MASTER UNCIRCULATED COPY OF
LB-126885/7/17GLASGOW, SCOTLAND  spot, So we reach the final effort from Spot on
LB-126695/8/17LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND  spot, Heres another from that Spt chap. Sounds up
LB-126655/9/17London  ebr, Sonic Studios DSM-6>PA6-XP>M Audio
LB-126665/9/17LONDON, ENGLAND  spot, Yet another audio delight from the
LB-126705/11/17Dublin, Ireland  hfru jtt, HFRU Recording, Downloaded from
LB-126715/11/17Dublin, Ireland.  hfru, HFRU19, *Removed 1:10 from crowd noise as I
LB-126725/11/17DUBLIN, IRELAND  spot, The last night of the tour from the now
LB-159705/11/17Dublin, Ireland.  historical field recording unit, HFRU19, *Removed
LB-127306/xx/17Nobel Prize lecture1Anobelspeech bbc, (26:34), From BBC.com:, Bob Dylan
LB-127316/xx/17Nobel Prize for1A-nobelspeech beer, Recorded June 4, 2017, Los
LB-130566/xx/17Nobel Prize for1 BOOTLEG: nobel proze box; cc, Nobel Prize Box
LB-127346/13/17Port Chester, NY  jf, Recorded by 'JF', 44/16, Sennheiser MKE 2002
LB-127356/14/17Port Chester NY  dm, source : Sony M10 (16/44), transfer : Sony M10
LB-127366/14/17Port Chester, NY  jf, Recorded by 'JF', 44/16, Sennheiser MKE 2002
LB-127376/15/17Port Chester, NY  jf, Recorded by 'JF', 44/16, Sennheiser MKE 2002
LB-128646/17/17Dover, Delaware  skm140 soomlos, Source: soomlos, neumann skm140 >
LB-130646/17/17Dover, Delaware  BOOTLEG: firefly music festival 2017; cc marcos,
LB-127386/20/17Shelburne, VT  mc930 seremetcc, Recording Info: Beyerdynamic
LB-154966/21/17Providence  m4a mono, Source: received as unedited lossy m4a
LB-127526/23/17KINGSTON, NEW YORK  durango, audience recording by "Durango", 103 mins
LB-127706/23/17Kingston, NY  jf, Recorded by 'JF', 44/16, Sennheiser MKE 2002
LB-127536/24/17KINGSTON, NEW YORK  durango, Stereo audience recording by "Durango",
LB-127716/24/17Kingston, NY  jf, Recorded by 'JF', 44/16, Sennheiser MKE 2002
LB-127546/25/17SYRACUSE, NEW YORK  durango, Stereo audience recording by "Durango",
LB-127696/25/17Syracuse, NY  csbs 2496, taped by bouliasoul,
LB-150616/25/17Syracuse,NY  beatkilla at933, Taped by: Beatkilla, Tracked by:
LB-135576/27/17Kingston  jgb, jgb sent me this recording and wrote:, "I
LB-155136/30/17Montreal, Canada  phone mp3f, as shared on ER, Source My phone (M4A)
LB-127737/9/17Milwaukee, WI  dk wi, Taper: DK-WI, Location: 6th row left-center
LB-127807/12/17WINNIPEG  spot, Surprise!, Well it was too me I'm sure,
LB-127817/14/17SASKATOON  spot, Well of course he wasn't going to slopeoff
LB-127827/15/17MOOSE JAW  spot, Still there an still taping!, Thanks for all
LB-127847/15/17MOOSE JAW  sanq, Source: Zoom H4n > WAV > CD WAVE (tracked) >
LB-127857/16/17CALGARY  spot, Yes!, Still going. Gets silly don't it? I
LB-157437/16/17Calgary, Alberta  manie 24, Taper: "Manie", Location: Row 1 right
LB-127947/19/17EDMONTON  spot, Heres yet another one from Spot. Having had
LB-157447/19/17Edmonton, Alberta  manie 24, Taper: "Manie", Location: Row 1 right
LB-127987/21/17DAWSON CREEK  spot, Well I have Spot safely back home now. He's
LB-156137/21/17Dawson Creek  skm140 soomlos 24, Source: soomlos, neumann skm140
LB-157457/21/17Dawson Creek  manie 24,Taper: "Manie", Location: Floor, row 1,
LB-127997/22/17Prince George  skm140 soomlos, Source: soomlos, neumann skm140 >
LB-157467/22/17Prince George  manie 24, Taper: "Manie", Location: Floor, row 1,
LB-128087/24/17Kelowna, BC  ca 14 meister orr, ** 16 BIT **, Source: CA-14
LB-157477/24/17Kelowna  manie 24, Taper: "Manie", Location: Floor, row 1,
LB-128187/25/17Vancouver  manie, Taper: "Manie", Lineage: Roland
LB-131117/25/17Vancouver  ca 11, Taper: LeifH, Source: CA-11 (cardioid) >
LB-157487/25/17Vancouver  manie 24, Taper: "Manie", Location: section 108,
LB-1377310/13/17Funner, CA  jack frost 81, (SS), downloaded from a link at
LB-1314610/21/17Broomfield, Colorado  soonafternoon, Taped by SoonAfterNoon
LB-1298910/23/17Omaha  readermo, Taper: readermo (many thanks),
LB-1549710/24/17Ames, Iowa  Source: received as unedited 44.1 WAV file in May
LB-1549810/25/17St Paul, Minnesota  mp3, Original source unknown. As of May 28, 2022
LB-1610210/27/17Chicago, Illinois  iphone m4a mono inc, aper: Early Roman-King,
LB-1300810/28/17Grand Rapids  tascam dr 05, This concert was recorded by me with
LB-1300010/29/17Bloomington, Indiana  ironchef, Source: Sound Professionals CMC-08s
LB-1626011/1/17Detroit, Michigan  detroit lightning shure mv88 24, Taped by Detroit
LB-1313011/3/17Akron, Ohio  skm140 soomlos, Source: soomlos, neumann skm140 >
LB-1302311/5/17Columbus, Oh.  csheb, Source: Core Sound HEBs (dpa 4061s) > C.S.
LB-1303811/8/17Uniondale, New York  jf, Recorded by 'JF', 44/16, Sennheiser MKE 2002
LB-1304211/11/17Upper Darby  beer, Lineage: ZOOM H4n Pro (built-in, external XY
LB-1304311/12/17Upper Darby  beer, Lineage: ZOOM H4n Pro (built-in, external XY
LB-1304411/12/17UPPER DARBY  spot, Yes Spot is out there again., This time
LB-1305811/14/17Washington, D.C.  dpa 4023 24bit, Source: DPA 4023 > Sound Devices
LB-1307011/16/17BOSTON  spot, Heres another from the tireless Spot.
LB-1573611/16/17Boston  manie 24, Taper: "Manie", Lineage: Roland
LB-1306211/17/17Albany, New York  ipg, An Imperfect Gravy Recording (IPG-326),
LB-1308311/17/17ALBANY, NEW YORK  spot, Heres another victory from the tireless Spot
LB-1573711/17/17Albany, New York  manie, Taper: "Manie", Lineage: Roland R-05
LB-1307111/18/17Buffalo, New York  tascam dr7, Source: Tascam DR7(Internal Mics),
LB-1573911/18/17Buffalo, New York  manie, Taper: "Manie", Lineage: Roland
LB-1310511/20/17NYC  jf, Recorded by 'JF', 44/16, Sennheiser MKE 2002
LB-1309311/21/17New York City  spot, This brings us sadly to the end of this
LB-1333111/21/17NYC  jf, Recorded by 'JF', 44/16, Sennheiser MKE 2002
LB-1309411/22/17New York City  spot, OK, lets continue this "backwards" run of
LB-1333211/22/17NYC  jf, Recorded by 'JF', 44/16, Sennheiser MKE 2002
LB-1308711/24/17New York City  spot, Here's a another one from my hard travellin'
LB-1308811/25/17New York City  spot, Spots back., Mind you he needs a few days to


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